Camping Stove

A con­tri­bu­tion to eco­log­i­cal sus­tain­abil­i­ty, focus­ing on
reusable resources and min­i­mal mate­r­i­al consumption

  • uses recy­cled tents as raw material
  • can be dis­man­tled and eas­i­ly stowed away
  • is inde­pen­dent of infrastructure
  • can be heat­ed with solar ener­gy or wood

designING — Project Week 2024

Master's degree pro­gram in prod­uct devel­op­ment & Bachelor's degree pro­gram in indus­tri­al design

Project team:

Nico­las Moll, Julius Gien­ger, Ramtin Zour­mand, Ale­na Strothmann 


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wern­er Engeln
Dipl. Des. Bar­bara Gröbe-​Boxdorfer M. Sc.
Alexan­dra Göhring M.Sc