Spo­ken lan­guage and shape lan­guage are very direct­ly relat­ed to each other. 

Every form can be described using lan­guage, but the reverse is also possible.

To arrive at a form, I broke down the word and its mean­ing: nat­ur­al or arti­fi­cial, pre­cise, warm, curvy, has direc­tion (point­ing away), soft, liq­uid and sol­id, slow.

The chal­lenge with this semant was to avoid the mere rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the mate­ri­al­i­ty of some­thing sticky and to instead only con­vey the impressions.

with this one:
arti­fi­cial, pre­cise, tech­ni­cal, hard, cold, angu­lar, standing/​lying, has direc­tion (up and down), sta­t­ic (no speed), medi­um weight

addi­tion­al­ly a match­ing col­or:
green is nor­mal­ly seen as nat­ur­al but the pale­ness looks cold and unnat­ur­al. Green also brings a sense of calmness.

The chal­lenge with this semant was to avoid asso­ci­a­tions with man-​made objects.


Spo­ken lan­guage and shape lan­guage are very direct­ly relat­ed to each oth­er. Every form can be described using lan­guage, but the reverse is also possible.


To arrive at a form, I broke down the word and its mean­ing: nat­ur­al or arti­fi­cial, pre­cise, warm, curvy, has direc­tion (point­ing away), soft, liq­uid and sol­id, slow.

The chal­lenge with this semant was to avoid the mere rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the mate­ri­al­i­ty of some­thing sticky and to instead only con­vey the impressions.


with this one:
arti­fi­cial, pre­cise, tech­ni­cal, hard, cold, angu­lar, standing/​lying, has direc­tion (up and down), sta­t­ic (no speed), medi­um weight

addi­tion­al­ly a match­ing col­or:
green is nor­mal­ly seen as nat­ur­al but the pale­ness looks cold and unnat­ur­al. Green also brings a sense of calmness.

The chal­lenge with this semant was to avoid asso­ci­a­tions with man-​made objects.