Negative Space I

An ellip­soidal shape is cut out of all sides of a plas­ter block. The sculp­ture estab­lish­es an inter­re­la­tion­ship between the blocks and the space sur­round­ing it: the space reach­es into the body of the sculp­ture via the recess­es. In the eye of the observ­er, the ellip­soids are sup­ple­ment­ed to form whole shapes and thus con­tin­ue in the sur­round­ing space.

The con­cept is var­ied in a group of 15 plas­ter blocks with iden­ti­cal dimensions.

A quar­ter of an ellip­soidal shape is cut out of the blocks on the front long edges. The ellip­soids vary from block to block in their posi­tion to the out­er edge, their length and width. How­ev­er, the dis­tance from the equa­tor to the long edge is the same on both sides.

Negative Space II