3D-​model loading

exit 3D mode 

scorpion headphones


Through the bridges, the head­phones rest eas­i­ly on your shoul­ders.

There is also extra room for an increased bat­tery life.

User Interface

The cen­ter dial com­bines two functions.

Vol­ume, tre­ble and bass can be adjust­ed direct­ly on your head­phone, inde­pen­dent of your play­back device.


The dials click in small pre­cise steps.

This allows fast and intu­itive usage: Any part of a song/​album/​playlist can be aproached easily.

The mag­nets of the speak­ers are vis­i­ble at the tip of the dials, so you can see them vibrate while in usage.

The ear­pieces can­not fall out, since they are pushed in firmly.


There are 6 wires for the three speak­ers on both sides.

The wires are enclosed by tubes to pre­vent inter­fer­ence with your work or exercise.


I tried to give the head­phones an aggres­sive look while main­tain­ing their 'pure func­tion­al­i­ty' and syn­thet­ic appear­ance. They seem to grab onto your head and ears — with­out sac­ri­fic­ing com­fort. The Tubes (with the wires inside them) aim to bring the raw insides and func­tion­al­i­ty to the surface.