Three Vessels
Three vessels with different functions using the same creation logic.
My choice was a bottle, a bowl and a set of cups.

Generative design is an approach to 3D modeling based on the creation of algorithms to generate a multitude of design possibilities. This process enables designers to create complex models, including patterns, that would otherwise be unnecessarily repetitive or complex — without losing the abbility to change defining parameters later on.
This makes it particularly superior to traditional design methods in projects that have many dependencies and variables. However, it also involves additional work, and you should know in advance whether you have the extra time and whether you will benefit from the changeable model.
But because you can change everything later it is closer to the vision. In a larger project without generative design, you tend to do less fine-tuning because even small changes can mean a lot of work and you don't want to build everything from scratch. When it comes to creating product families, tools like Grasshopper are superior to conventional CAD software (in 3D modeling).