Three Vessels

Three ves­sels with dif­fer­ent func­tions using the same creation logic.

My choice was a bot­tle, a bowl and a set of cups.

Gen­er­a­tive design is an approach to 3D mod­el­ing based on the creation of algo­rithms to gen­er­ate a mul­ti­tude of design pos­si­bil­i­ties. This process enables design­ers to cre­ate com­plex mod­els, includ­ing pat­terns, that would oth­er­wise be unnec­es­sar­i­ly repet­i­tive or com­plex — with­out los­ing the abbil­i­ty to change defin­ing para­me­ters lat­er on.

This makes it par­tic­u­lar­ly supe­ri­or to tra­di­tion­al design meth­ods in projects that have many depen­den­cies and vari­ables. How­ev­er, it also involves addi­tion­al work, and you should know in advance whether you have the extra time and whether you will ben­e­fit from the change­able model. 

But because you can change every­thing lat­er it is clos­er to the vision. In a larg­er project with­out gen­er­a­tive design, you tend to do less fine-​tuning because even small changes can mean a lot of work and you don't want to build every­thing from scratch. When it comes to cre­at­ing prod­uct fam­i­lies, tools like Grasshop­per are supe­ri­or to con­ven­tion­al CAD soft­ware (in 3D modeling).